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Flog of the Prokonsul

Internet fluency, digital governance and Wikipedia propaganda. You have been warned.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

The ending

First, the list of nuggets for the convinience of our dear squad...I mean, course leader, and then some closing remarks for you all.

I was unable to sort my various flogs into 10 specific milestones. During the period of the course I committed somewhat over 50 flog posts, ranging from flapers, through status updates on my Wiki project, to various digital nuggets ranging in size size from few sentences to, well, more :) I didn't really think in term of 10 things - I posted useful stuff as I stumbled upon it, instead of holding it over and mergining it into a larger milestone.

Here is the chronological list of what I consider to be my most useful flog posts - milestones for us all, if you will:

0911: Hyperlinks: how to use them
0926: Advanced Googling it's easy and it's so useful
1019: BitTorrent introduction to p2p, or how to download (legal) stuff from the net
1115: File managers: why not to use Windows Exploder
1119: OpenID how to log in with your special username into services you don't want to register with
1120: Wikipedia Governance about wiki policeman, judges and lawyers :)
1122: Gmail or why it isn't as cool as many think
1123: Skype or why your phone will soon be a museum piece
1128: Wikis other then Wikipedia believe it or not, the world doesn't end with Wikipedia (yet)
1130: Firefox the mythical beast the obligatory milestone to cross for all of us (see also the 1204 update)
1202: Creative Commons: license your blog (or chant: I love to be greedy, I love to be useless)
1215: Media alternatives or how to replace Windows Media Can'tplaye(r) with something that works

I'll close this list with the reference to the most useful thing I have learned this course: Bloglines, brought to us by Luke's 5th milestone. This tool has greatly revolutionised my news gathering habits. I think I am speaking for us all when I say: Luke, you have been the most oustanding member of our class. Power to the podcasts!

With our course ending, I will be migrating back to my main blog, Voice of the Prokonsul (which somehow I was able to update during this term as well). To me the Flog was not much diffferent from my Voice: here and there I posted various 'digital nuggets' about technology and governance. Although my Voice is and will be somewhat more diverse, with some posts on a wider range of topics, if you found my Flog useful, feel free to to check the Voice for all that was here and more. As a rule, though, I avoid blogging information related to my personal life, because 'who cares?' :> I will, however, keep the Voice updated with news on my Wikipedia project.

I hope you guys keep your flogs, or if you change to some other blogs - please let me know so I can sub your blogs with the awesome tool that Luke blogged us about, the Bloglines.

And among the last things connected with the course, I think we should correct the anti-Stu bias on RateMyProfessor.com page. So go ahead and rate Stu there :)

Last but not least: remember our discussion about the system of education being the relic of Industrial Revolution? Well, this course is an indicator how *to do* things. It was a privilege to be in the same class as every one of you. I think it was the best class I have ever taken - and that it should be obligatory class for all students. A list of my Instant Messangers can be found at my Wiki homepage (look at the boxes to the left, scroll down). Looking forward to meeting you again, online of offline - I hope to hear from you!

Signing off, Prokonsul


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